Monday, January 24, 2011


The thought of teaching kindergartners to paint...with tempra. I couldn't get out of bed this morning thinking of what a train wreck this was going to be. Today was a disaster to say the least, they only see me for thirty minutes and need at least that much time to clean up. Kids had paint in their hair, all over their hands, tables, chairs...everything. I still have two more kindergarten classes to teach this lesson to, practice makes perfect, I hope! Anxiety-ridden.

Thinking about if I'll have a teaching job next fall. All I want to do is teach. I'm done with the whole I-wonder-where-I'm-going-to-be-teaching-tomorrow feeling that comes with subbing. I've been grateful to be a sub for the past three years, but now that I've been certified for almost a year now, it's time to get crackin' on the job front. I hope to stay in the area, but this fall, I'll be will to go to any of the surrounding states. Anxious

Walking around in a school I feel like I know pretty well, yet still not knowing anyone's name. Including teachers. Brooke! When is Mrs. W getting back? What are we supposed to do for the art fair? Where are the fifth grade quilting blocks?!?  I don't know who you are or what you're talking about. The art fair isn't for another month and a half. Calm down (okay, I didn't actually say that, I was much more tactful, but still.) Awkward.

A parent coming in to check her daughter's temperature during the crazy kindergarten painting-cleanup mess. It was embarrassing and made me look like I had absolutely NO classroom management skills, which isn't the case. Awkward.

A student farted a stinky one today. Other students were complaining about it. I didn't know what to do. Awkward.

I passed a student in the hallway Miss Christensen! I met your daughter! I don't have a daughter! Yes you do! I met her. No I don't. Yes you do. No I don't. Yes you do!...I left it at that. And no I don't have a daughter. Other teachers heard us arguing. Awkward.

Teaching origami to first grade art club. I never was keen on folding fancy paper, but after teaching myself over the weekend, I thought the lesson would go well. The kids were so good, left my day on a high note because they're such enthusiastic paper folders. We made flapping butterflies and most of them turned out. It wasn't as easy as I thought, but the kids weren't disappointed, they still had fun. Such good little sports. Awesome.

The principal complimented me on doing a fabulous job in front of all the teachers during teacher in-service. Awesome.

I walked over to the sink to see why it was taking so long for everyone to was their hands and I noticed one of my students had three fingers on each hand, it doesn't hold him back. Awesome.

I received a notification that one of my students had something called leukomalacia, which effects his left side motor skills a little bit. I noticed it for the first time today. He's a sweet kid, but doesn't always listen. He asked me to help him wash his hands because he couldn't. It sounds weird, but it was really sweet. Awesome.

A student came in at recess and washed out ALL of the dirty paintbrushes and paint containers I threw in the sink. I offered him two pieces of candy and he wouldn't take them. I gave him a reward card. He helped me so much! Awesome.

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